Posted On July 17, 2011
When anime doesn’t inspire fanart I draw… Tina in a bikini.
Even though I wasn’t completely satisfied with Denpa Onna, I may do some fanart of that eventually. The new season is looking good, so I’ll probably do stuff from that at some point, too.
You can never eat too much cheesecake.
And, the bust size of tina it’s a little too big compared with the previous illustration isn’t it?
Yeah, it’s inconsistent. Trying to figure out a good size.
disse:Olá Arlindo, tudo bem?Por isso a importância de se criar o hábito de ler artigos em outros blogs, pois sempre aprendemos algo novo, as vezes pequenos hábitos fazem toda a diferença e estabelecer uma meta de produtividade é simplesmente excelente.Já tinha pensado nisso, mas agora estou repensando com mais cuidado.E vou sim fazer um artigo falando sobre esse desafio e linkar para sua poebgasm.Atraços.
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La en revanche je ne suis pas d'accord,de là à mettre que cela rappelle des "attaques de zombie",je trouve que c'est absurde..Est-il vraiment nécessaire de justifier chaque acte comme une raison aux évènements à venir?non.Des comportements étranges,il y en a toujours eu,alors je suis conscient que ces derniers temps,il y a pas mal de "pétage de plombs" et de faits divers étranges mais je suis assez étonné que tu ais assimilé ce fait à ça…A suivre,car ce n'est qu'une hypothèse..
That’s not even 10 minutes well spent!
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
NF’s last word: most university courses are now so vocationally oriented that most, if not all, lecturers are reduced to the status of mere “instructors”. No longer any humanist emphasis on research, knowledgeability and so on. Just the facts, man.
What I think is so incredible about Jessica’s performance of the song is how unapologetic she is in her choices. She shows the angry, volatile side of Cathy that hardly ever gets unearthed in this piece, and in doing so, she opens you up to her soul in a way that’s infinitely more shattering. This is not a woman standing there asking you to feel bad for her because of her grief, as it’s so often played. Instead, it’s someone who is quite literally coming to terms with something they still so clearly don’t understand.Thank you for sharing this. I feel honored to have seen it.